What it is, is a nice try.
I'll start off with saying that it's obvious to me that you've got a good grasp of modulation. In dubstep, that alone can take you a long way. But only so far.
Your intro was waaaaay too long - or too bland. That doesn't go for your intro, but most parts of your track. When you get to the drums, they sound off-key because your melody is an off key melody. It sounds weird if you don't add any FX to add tension, buildup and release.
I think that your drum patterns are slightly conflicting with your basslines. You have this breakbeat thing going on at first, while you'd expect 2-step percussion. What if you tried a "kick kick snare kick kick kick kick snare" approach, with each hit on a measure - and added some reverb on that snare? It's not a bad snare at all, really, but it sounds more like a house snare than one for dubstep.
When you get to the later parts of your track, you have a tendency to make certain synths go on for too long. If they are leading your track, then let them shine and mix it up a little with other percussion or backing sounds. You could even try layering a soft / medium volume subbass to accompany your leading synths, so that it has more rawr. ;)
I'm confident you'll learn how to make your stuff shine, in time. :3 I'll say it again, you've got some modulation skills - and that's a huge step.
Keep at it!
~ La_Yinn, --'