Needs moar! But it's quite catchy so far!
Haha, it's always good to see you submit.
On to the review..
The piano, but of course. It's become your trademark, hasn't It's quite catchy, but I think it should be played an octave higher. The piano melodies in dance tracks are usually higher pitched.
Your transistions are a bit off. The chimes effect wasn't entirely spot on. I suggest throwing in some reverbed and/or delayed reverse crashes for transistions, or make a new synth come in by throwing in a cutoff filter envelope on it before it actually hits. You can replace the cutoff with pitch, volume, etc. Just so it flows into it nicely.
The percussion wasn't really.. there. It's just the kick. :p I think you should layer a nice bassy kick on top of the one you have now, cause it's lacking in the 60-100Hz department. For the rest of the percussion, some simple 4x4 hihats, snares and claps etc, would make this better to dance to. It's good to make a dance song build up and not just 'burst' into the main melody. Always make sure EDM tracks have a proper intro and outro, cause it'll be much easier for potential DJs to play your tracks in sets.
Also, for some extra ambiance and 'feel', you could try throwing in some chorded pads into there that go for bars on end. Just an idea.
One more thing that is seriously lacking and IS needed. A BASSLINE! You forgot the bass! Where is the gritty benni benassi bass? Or the flowing sine-wave subbass? Bass is *extremely* important in dance tracks. Make sure the full version has some!
It's a nice demo, but it'll require a lot of work before it's a full-fledged dance track. I'm sure you'll do a good job. :-)
~ La_Yinn, --'