
215 Audio Reviews

118 w/ Responses

Wow daymn, uh, hey there.

Are you mixing your stuff on headphones? Cause the synth you're using is mixed in SOOO loud, that I can hardly hear anything else. It get a bit better when the drop hits, but the peaks are so loud and out there, it's really obnoxious. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I get the feeling that you layered a synth to go with it.. that's out of tune. The drop was executed relatively well, but jesus man..

I'd really like to hear this track when you've mixed it in better. I'll give you all the props you deserve for the compositional work and write out a massive review when you do, but right now I'd really like to listen to something else.

HenryDaTerminator responds:

thx for ur review, i am pretty new in this kind of music so i appreciate ur tips :)

Hey there,

Swell tune man, love how full it sounds throughout. Definitely when the drop hits, it just feels very vibrant and alive. My personal preferance would've been to drop the entire melody down 60 semitones... but that's just me. I think this is a neatly executed piece o' dub either way.

Downloadin', keep me posted if you post more of this stuff. :-)
~ La_Yinn, --'

TheBiocide responds:

Thanks a lot for the review! Glad you enjoyed the tune as well!

And there's pleeeenty more of this stuff on the way so keep checking back! ;)

Hey there,

Massive. :3

Usually I write out solid reviews and shit, but I'm too busy going nuts.. great clip, thoroughly enjoyed it! Where's this one getting released? Is it gonna be on beatport? Keep me posted, I'm down to hear your EP for sure.

Keep up the good stuff man!
~ La_Yinn, --'

CaseyVenn responds:

Much obliged, La-Yinn. I appreciate that you take the time to offer feedback to artists. I'm not sure how we're releasing the EP yet, but chances are it won't be through BeatPort since I am an independent artist. We might release it through my personal website when it's all polished up. I'm still looking into it, but I'm really glad you dig this piece.

If you'd like to keep up to date with the EP you're more than welcome to subscribe to or friend me on Facebook (links are now in the description). Thanks again, my friend.


Greetings, good sir.

This has got to be the most intense moment of 'Thank fuck I didn't leave NG for good' I've experienced. I don't know what has happened to this place, but it seems as if almost everybody has become a highly respectable producer these days..

That said, I really liked your track man. That bass is FUCKING HEAVY. The robot sort of bleeps you throw in are a great addition to keep the momentum flowing and it's just.. rawr. Great effectwork and nice transitional work aswell.

I suppose the only thing I can think of is that maybe it would've done the track more justice to have the bridge around 1:35 have more shit going on, to really give that 'this is dark and you know it' feel, if that makes sense. ;)

Downloading this one. It'd be awesome if you could give me a hint or two on how you made that reese.. ;p Either way, CHUNE.

~ La_Yinn, --'

Harha responds:

Thank you, great review!

About the reese, I based it on a pretty basic deep sawy bass preset I made with my Virus C, some filter modulation applied with the Virus's own filters, Virus's own distortion, EQ, etc. The external effects which I added afterwards give it that crunchy warm sound; First I divided it into 2 mixer channels, one for bass <210Hz and the other for the mid's and high's. For the first channel (bass) I just added 1 multiband distortion unit (D16 Devastor) and tweaked it 'till I liked it and after that applied one more EQ to clean it up abit. The second channel is slightly more complex, EQ (Cut <210Hz and Boost mids around 500-1000Hz), Distortion unit (D16 Redoptor), Multiband Distortion unit (D16 Devastor), Distortion/Filter/Whatever unit (Camelaudio Camelphat3) and final EQ to clean it up. The "sweeping" effect in the reese bass comes partly from the Virus's own filters but mostly from Camelphat3's Notch filter with High Q which I then modulated with an automation clip.

That's pretty much it! Thanks again for an awesome review, it's rare @ newgrounds! :)

Hey there,

Swell tune you've got here. Like, really, I quite dig the mood you go with and you execute it quite well!

And considering it's chillstep (aint it just dub?) the minimal touches just make it even better, in my opinion. At some points in your track, I do wish you would do something with that arp to keep the listener intrigued. Like at the bridge / buildup around 1:15, why don't you use a high-pass + resonance modulation of some sorts? Maybe even an lfo, so it provides 'more' buildup, and thus, more satisfaction when it hits. Just a little idea. :3

Much like how you introduce the breakbeat part (oh god, that was win btw) with pitching up the arp - it provides a solid, *recognizable* buildup - you expect something to happen, and it does.

Solid tune mate, I'ma check out some more of your work. ;-)

~ La_Yinn, --'

STEPHEN4705 responds:

Wow, I really like this review. I'll definatly work towards the effects on the arp, thats something that had slipped my mind but I know for sure will work.

I was actually tempted to cut the break part, maybe I'll just work on a better build to it (something to accompany the arp/pad etc)

Cheers for such helpful advice, definatley going to take that into consideration :D


So, basically, I'm wondering.. is it a yukyuk, or a yaiyai? ;o

I really dig your intro. It sets a nice mood and your stuff is EQed properly. Very nice use of the pads to lead into the song, but the drop hit a lot harder than I anticipated. ;o Your wobble is kind of overpowering the rest of your melodic work. For example, when you have that highly reverbed 'sonar' one-shot hit - it sounds weak, because it is so much lower volume than your bassline. Those one-shots usually have that 'wow' effect, when it's the other way around.

Other than that, I really enjoyed this tune. Keep it up. :-)

~ La_Yinn, --'

coMpLekS responds:

Thanks la-yinn, mixing tracks has always been a time killer for me. At least I'm passed what I used to do (stacking a ton of compressors on and hope everything sounds good in the end lol). preciate the review.


Smooth sounds!

Yeah man, I'm normally not really into house but I find this really appealing either way. I do think your intro is really, eh.. unnecessarily long, for what you pulled off with it. Just get on going with it. :p
That counts for after the first chorus aswell, although the buildup of tension was worked out a lot better there. I suppose it's just that at some times it's *entirely* silent (with the piano part) and I just wonder if you couldn't have thrown in some pads to keep it going, at those points.

But besides that, it's quite calm, deep. I'm a fan of deep house melodic work and I think you pulled it off very nicely! Got my head bumping aswell.. so all around, I think you made some propah music. ;)

Keep up!
~ La_Yinn, --'

D-Chain responds:

Bedankt la-yinn :)
ik zal inderdaad moeten werken aan de intro, same as the piano part.

Hey there,

To me it sounds like a pretty catchy and simple tune - fitting for a cartoon! :-)

I'm not really sure of the context of the scene. If it's an actual dance scene, maybe boost up your kick and snare a bit. Add some compression to make them 'dmph' more, if you get what I mean. :3

What I'd really like to hear is some more melodic variation. The synth sounds good, your melody sounds good.. just rather repetitive for the whole thing. Spice it up, throw in like a fitting addition on the 3rd and 4th bar. Then like a counter melody on the 7th and 8th. It doesn't have to be much, really, but I'm sure it would do wonders - also for your friend's cartoon. ;)

Catchy loop nonetheless, good job!

~ La_Yinn, --'

Halcyon13 responds:

It is a dance scene, actually. I might have to do that, I've just started playing around with compression and things of that nature. I'll definitely consider your advice, If I decide to expand this I'm definitely going to try to make it more epic. Thanks for your review!

Pretty good. :3

I think that although the intro was very minimal, I did think it worked out well! It kept my attention and, in general, you've pulled off a nice atmosphere in this track all around as a result.

However, the drop itself it a bit.. eh? I mean sure, it has some filthy bass and it wobbles.. but it simply doesn't compliment the feeling you had going at the start. Blatantly putting a "Shut the fuck up" and diving into a drop with overcompressed snares and whaauuuww sounds .. doesn't do it for me, I'm afraid. Not to say that I didn't enjoy it, but I was looking forward to a different experience, if you will.

Instead, if you had just let the drums come in, have a light (sort of) plucked arp follow the melody you had going and add a deeper bass without the grime? Just like, say, Rusko's 'tru powwa' track. It's not super dirty, it doesn't make your mind explode - but it's all the better because of it. It upholds the atmosphere throughout the track and adds a *groove*. Don't ever kid yourself and think a dirty bass is what it's about. You need to bring a groove, not a bulldozer. ;)

Anyways, I enjoyed most parts of it. Keep the music flowing!

~ La_Yinn, --'

biggab responds:

Thanks! very useful comment :)

" Just some guy who really likes music. That's about it really. "

Alex @la-yinn


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