
21 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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O w0!

Lookin' mighty fine today boiz!

AfroUnderscoreStud responds:


Happy valentine's day

Wasn't a bad flash. To bad it was pretty short, and I'm not fond of photographic backgrounds ;) But was some good quality, I'll give you that.

TommyVF responds:

Thanks, I did put some effort in the "music scene" though...
Hope you liked that, at least.


No my friend, not bad at all!

Seriously, I was having a bad day with all that stuff being posted on the portal, and you kinda cheered me up :f very well done. It's not just an ordinary stickfight too, ye gave it a nice twist imo.

Thumbs up! Although it's still *just* a stickfight, so gave ye a 4.

Ace0fredspades responds:

4 is 4...

Good job

Was a good movie. Sound was a bit on the crappy side though.

Timsplosion responds:

Thanks. I'll try and sort out my mic for my next flash that I do the voice acting for.

Pretty funny actually

Graphics were pretty poor, and you talked a bit to fast. But I must say it's brave of you to use your own voice in a flash movie. It's been done before, but it's still a bonus in my eyes. Was a nice laugh too! To bad it was on the short side.

ninjitashistory responds:

well,i try always to use my own voice

Why oh why..

you made the bag red in a black&white movie, that made a major diffrence!

~La Yinn

TheSlumberingElderly responds:

Are you being serious, or are you refering to the comment left a while ago. If your refering to the comment, and that comment was sarcastic, he was bitching about it first, and if you were talking about what he said, than sweet. AND, if you were just complaining about the red in the movie, than I appreciate your "constructive" critisism.

an exeption

Normally i don't give such movies a decent rating but i do with this one. why? because although the sounds lacks any quality i could still hear the humorous things mario said to sonic. Good job tbh, and i agree with the reviewer before me, it's good to see you post what YOU think is a good movie.

~La Yinn

behind responds:

I edited the sound to be crappy. And I didn't said what I think is a good movie. Everyone has his own taste. I only said that it is not fair to animators who create their own characters and stories, that spritemovies get that much attention and awards.

" Just some guy who really likes music. That's about it really. "

Alex @la-yinn


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